Most viewed - Svalbard (2016) |

Ossian Sarsfjellet319 views

Ossian Sarsfjellet319 viewsLa carcasse intéresse aussi un goéland bourgmestre
The carcass also interests a Glaucous Gull

Andréeneset318 views

80°58' N 26°58' E318 views

80°00' N 14°15' E318 views

Longyearbyen318 views

Longyearbyen318 viewsÉlevage de huskies
Husky farm

Kongsbreen317 viewsAu fond: les trois couronnes (montagnes)
In the background: the Three Crowns (mountains)

Ossian Sarsfjellet317 views

Ossian Sarsfjellet317 viewsNotre bateau, l'Ortelius
Our ship, the Ortelius

Kongsfjorden317 views...près du glacier du 14 juillet
...near the 14th July Glacier

Bråsvellbreen316 views

12.08.2016 / Ny-Ålesund316 views78°55' N 11°55' E

Ossian Sarsfjellet316 viewsRennes du Svalbard
Svalbard Reindeers

09.08.2016 / Andréeneset (Kvitøya)315 viewsDébarquement sur l'île Blanche
Landing on Kvitøya (White Island)

80°48' N 28°15' E315 views

80°58' N 26°58' E315 views

Krossfjorden315 views

81°18' N 20°54' E314 viewsBanquise fondante
Melting ice pack

Alkefjellet314 views
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