Most viewed - Svalbard (2016) |

81°22' N 20°58' E373 viewsMouette ivoire
Ivory Gull

Camp Zoe (79°11’ N 11°53’ E)373 views

Svalbard373 views

Adventdalen373 viewsNous allons atterrir par l'Est
We're going to land from the East

Adventdalen373 views

Longyearbyen372 viewsValable sur tout le Svalbard
Applies to whole Svalbard

81°10' N 20° E372 viewsPhoque à capuchon
Hooded Seal

81°24' N 21°07' E372 views

Alkefjellet371 viewsRenard arctique
Arctic Fox

Moffen371 viewsÎle de Moffen (80°00' N)
Moffen Island (80°00' N)

14. julibreen371 views

80°58' N 26°58' E371 views

81°22' N 20°58' E370 views

81°26' N 21°35' E370 viewsPhoque du Groenland
Harp Seal

Torellneset370 views

80°58' N 26°58' E370 views

Sjuøyane370 viewsUn mirage, arrive aussi dans le froid !
A mirage, also happens in the cold!

81°10' N 20° E369 viewsPhoque barbu
Bearded Seal

81°13' N 24°01 E368 views

81°10' N 20° E367 viewsFulmar boréal
Northern Fulmar
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