HB9BZA - HF scores


QRV in CW, Phone and digital modes.

TRX : TS-990 + PA 1 kW.

Antennas: 40-6 m (+60 m): UltraBeam UB-50; 80 m CW+digital: half size dipole; no more QRV on 160 m.

----------------------------------------- DXCC scores -----------------------------------------

Paper QSL's

Worked current DXCC entities:

  • mixed : 340 (=all current entities) (with deleted: 351)
  • phone : 340 (=all current entities)
  • CW : 339 (only P5 is missing)
  • digital : 327 (starting April 2007)

Current DXCC entities worked and confirmed by band (paper QSL's) :

Band 160 80 60 40 30 20 17 15 12 10
Worked 160 294 179 333 333 339 333 338 327 334
Confirmed 155 285 71 324 319 339 322 337 304 331


LoTW (Logbook of the World)

Current DXCC entities confirmed using LoTW:

  • mixed : 337  (missing: EZ, JD1M, SV/A)
  • phone : 335  (missing: EZ, JD1M, KH4, SV/A, VK0M)
  • CW : 333  (missing: 3Y/B, EZ, FT5W, JD1M, P5, SV/A, VK0M)
  • digital : 325

Current DXCC entities confirmed by band using LoTW :

Band 160 80 60 40 30 20 17 15 12 10
Confirmed 126 239 162 315 328 327 330 326 316 309


DXCC Challenge

  • DXCC entities credited : 2932
  • DXCC entities confirmed : 2945

----------------------------------------- IOTA scores ------------------------------------------

Worked island groups : 1094

Confirmed island groups : 1091

Current groups confirmed by continent:

  AF AN * AS EU ** NA OC SA World
Confirmed 95 16 183 189 233 278 98 1092
Existing 103 17 191 189 248 290 100 1138
% cfm 92% 94% 96% 100% 94% 96% 98% 96%

   * AN-014 removed;   ** EU-155 removed.

The already activated ones I never worked (in italic and red: one more group worked long time ago but never confirmed):

  • AF-041 042 058 062 069 076 077 101
  • AN-018
  • AS-016 022 048 050 069 119 167
  • NA-017 037 043 074 167 179 197 200 210 214 215 216 226 240
  • OC-055 068 163 178 190 214 256 263 278 281 282
  • SA-096 101