HB9BZA - HF scores
QRV in CW, Phone and digital modes.
TRX : TS-990 + PA 1 kW.
Antennas: 40-6 m (+60 m): UltraBeam UB-50; 80 m CW+digital: half size dipole; no more QRV on 160 m.
----------------------------------------- DXCC scores -----------------------------------------
Paper QSL's
Worked current DXCC entities:
- mixed : 340 (=all current entities) (with deleted: 351)
- phone : 340 (=all current entities)
- CW : 339 (only P5 is missing)
- digital : 326 (starting April 2007)
Current DXCC entities worked and confirmed by band (paper QSL's) :
Band | 160 | 80 | 60 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 17 | 15 | 12 | 10 |
Worked | 160 | 294 | 182 | 333 | 333 | 339 | 333 | 338 | 327 | 334 |
Confirmed | 155 | 285 | 71 | 324 | 319 | 339 | 323 | 337 | 305 | 331 |
LoTW (Logbook of the World)
Current DXCC entities confirmed using LoTW:
- mixed : 337 (missing: EZ, JD1M, SV/A)
- phone : 335 (missing: EZ, JD1M, KH4, SV/A, VK0M)
- CW : 333 (missing: 3Y/B, EZ, FT5W, JD1M, P5, SV/A, VK0M)
- digital : 325
Current DXCC entities confirmed by band using LoTW :
Band | 160 | 80 | 60 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 17 | 15 | 12 | 10 |
Confirmed | 126 | 239 | 167 | 315 | 328 | 327 | 330 | 326 | 316 | 311 |
DXCC Challenge
- DXCC entities credited : 2946
- DXCC entities confirmed : 2947
----------------------------------------- IOTA scores ------------------------------------------
Worked island groups : 1096
Confirmed island groups : 1095
Current groups confirmed by continent:
AF | AN * | AS | EU ** | NA | OC | SA | World | |
Confirmed | 95 | 16 | 184 | 189 | 234 | 279 | 98 | 1095 |
Existing | 103 | 17 | 191 | 189 | 248 | 290 | 100 | 1138 |
% cfm | 92% | 94% | 96% | 100% | 94% | 96% | 98% | 96% |
* AN-014 removed; ** EU-155 removed.
The already activated ones I never worked (in italic and red: one more group worked long time ago but never confirmed):
- AF-041 042 058 062 069 076 077 101
- AN-018
- AS-016 022 048 050 069 119 167
- NA-017 037 043 074 167 179 197 200 210 214 215 216 226 240
- OC-055 068 163 178 190 214 256 263 278 281 282
- SA-096 101