RXCLUS and the 4 m band
01.09.2019 |
Hits: 2449
How to add Kosovo to RXCLUS
02.03.2018 |
Hits: 3373
New version 8.5h using the ARRL's LoTW users list available
05.08.2017 |
Hits: 3568
The ARRL publishes the full list of LoTW users!
30.07.2017 |
Hits: 13653
How to tell RXCLUS a DXCC entity is now "deleted"
15.04.2017 |
Hits: 3514
Error "wrong prefix(es) in your DXCC database" at program start
07.01.2014 |
Hits: 6593
Telnet directory August 2012 update
28.08.2012 |
Hits: 6024
Prefixes update 2012
24.08.2012 |
Hits: 6822
How to get VK9HR identified as Lord Howe
25.07.2011 |
Hits: 5818
How to add South Sudan to RXCLUS
17.07.2011 |
Hits: 7779