HB9BZA - VHF/UHF scores from Geneva (JN36BE)


I was quite active on the VHF/UHF bands till about 2005 but my interest is now much more focused on the HF bands.

Further, Geneva is a very poor location for the high frequency bands as it's surrounded by nearby mountains in almost all directions, which makes most tropo openings unusable.

Only the 6m activity is now going on.


----------------------------------------------- 50 MHz -----------------------------------------------

Equipment : TS-990, 4 el. Yagi UltraBeam UB-50 (till July 2012: only a V-2000 omni I worked 98 DXCC entities with).

Worked fields : 82

Worked squares : 840


Squares confirmed with LoTW : 746

Worked DXCC entities : 166  (incl. 2 deleted)

Outside EU: 3B8, 3C, 3V, 3X, 4L, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5T, 5V, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 9G, 9K, 9L, 9Y, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, BV, BY, C5, CE, CN, CO, CX, D2, D4, DU, E3, E4, EA8, EA9, EK, EL, EX, EY, FG, FJ, FM, FS, HC, HH, HI, HK, HZ, J3, J6, JA, JT, JY, K, KP2, KP4, KH2, LU, OD, OX, P4, PJ4, PJ5, PY, PY0T, PZ, S0, SU, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA9, UN, V2, V5, VE, VK, VP2E, VP8, VR2, VU, XE, XT, XV, YB, YV, ZC, ZD7, ZD9, ZF, ZP, ZS.

Number of worked squares and best DX on each propagation mode :

#Sqr Best DX With Locator Mode Date
Tropo 31 636 km OK1XFJ JN69GX SSB 21.06.2014
Aurora 9 1523 km MM0CWJ IO67HC SSB 20.11.2003
MS 17 1745 km SM3LBN JP80IO MSK144 14.08.2019
Es 704 10648 km DU1IST PK04KL FT8 02.06.2020
F2 + TEP (SP) 120 16271 km VK4MA QG64KP FT8 03.11.2024
F2 + TEP (LP) 30329 km JI2EVL PM85ID CW 21.01.2002

(54 squares were worked on 2 propagation modes)

---------------------------------------------- 144 MHz ----------------------------------------------

Equipment : currently no more QRV (in the past: FT-847, 3CX800, 11 el. Yagi).

Worked squares : 310  (map)

Worked DXCC entities : 55

Number of worked squares and best DX for each propagation mode :

#Sqr Best DX With Locator Mode Date
Tropo 110 1206 km OZ4VV JO46QU CW 15.01.1992
Aurora 46 1167 km GD4IOM IO74QD CW 26.09.1982
MS 137 2104 km OH5LK KP30ON HSCW 12.08.1992
Es 112 2761 km EA8AVI IL28FC SSB 16.07.2006
3 1113 km YU1EV KN04CN CW 15.06.2004
EME 1 8460 km W5UN EL29 CW 23.10.1988

Note: the total of squares worked on all propagation modes is much higher then my general score as quite many squares were worked in several modes (as much as 4 modes for IO83 !).


---------------------------------------------- 432 MHz ----------------------------------------------

Equipment : currently no more QRV (in the past: FT-847, 2*8874, 19 el. Yagi).

Worked squares : 68 (map)

Worked DXCC entities : 17

Number of worked squares and best DX for each propagation mode :

#Sqr Best DX With Locator Mode Date
Tropo 61 1092 km G4KUX IO94BO CW 15.01.1992
Aurora 12 1032 km G3UVR IO83KH CW 09.11.1991
MS 2 1190 km EI2VPX/P IO61DW HSCW 13.08.1990
EME 1 473 km DL9KR JO40DE CW 29.04.1990



----------------------------------------------- Satellite -----------------------------------------------

After a long break in my satellite activity after we lost AO-10 and AO-13, I'm now QRV on QO-100, with a first QSO on 24 September 2022.

More details on my QO-100 page.

Here is the score I reached during the "good old time" of AO-10 and AO-13 :

Worked DXCC entities : 161 (incl. 9M6, C9, CE0Z, CY0, DU, FO/C, HH, JD1O, JT, KH1, KH6, KH9, KP1, PY0F, T32, V7, VK0H, VK9C, VK9X, VU7, XU, XZ).